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With problems such as land scarcity, urban redevelopment planners are looking to the seas as a means to expand their resources. However, there are many inherent problems that have to be addressed before it is suitable for wide spread use. Some concerns from current users that have risen include: 


1. Indoor Climate:
- During the cooler seasons strong winds and waves make these houses susceptible to flooding. 
- During summertime, temperatures within the cabins tend to spike up. Architectures are faced with   the dilemma of using glass and have strong sunrays in the morning and binds are usually not the     solution as it may result in more problems during strong winds. Without the usual protection from  plants and neighboring houses, more innovative solutions need to be developed in order to  guarantee a moderate indoor climate.


2. Corrosion of materials:
- Chemical and physical components of salts, ph-values, ions etc found in the water can lead to         an corrosion of home structures. These building structures once erected are difficult to replace         and the cost of replacement have to be taken into consideration. 


3. Measuring of wave heights:
- Attacks of wind-waves on a floating house may cause the house to flood
- Therefore, wave heights need to be properly predicted before construction of building.


4. Safety:
-  Safety of children or animals
- During wintertime, wooden platforms and footbridges may be slippery and the safety of users           may pose a concern.


5. Convenience: 

-  These home clusters are usually a distance away from communities on land. Therefore, before         floating homes become more prevalent, the accessibility to amenities have to be considered.


Challenges of Floating Residences :

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